Thursday, 6 January 2022


What is Fashion?

Fashion is a way of introducing yourself without having to say a word. You can tell the whole world about your personality just by the type of clothes you wear. It is also a way to express yourself. It provides us with a creative outlet that we can constantly change and improve.

[Fashion is our imagination to think a new and unique things. Fashion is not only our dress up its our makeup, hair style, and how can I talk to other peoples and our way of thinking to express our feelings. It is a way of  positive thinking in our life.]

 Classification of Fashion:

For knowing fashion elaborately learning about classification is very important. A fashion expert knows fashion apparel as a unique product, one that reflects self-concept, life-style, change, time and place.

Fashion is classified into many types, such as:

1.      Style

2.     Basic or classic

3.     Fad

4.     Fashion Forecasting

5.     Trends


1. Style:
Style is always constant. It is not changeable like to fashion. It is the modification of fashion. Style is the basic outline of any garment. It is a manner of doing something. It commonly refers to one’s fashion or outer appearance. Style word is very popular in fashion. Style is unique but when it is accepted by others then it is called fashion.

2. Basic or Classic:
When a fashion is comparatively constant or long lasting or continuing for many days, such as saree and salwar kameez, it is called Basic or Classic. The saree and 
salwar kameez are part of fashion scenery. A customer has one or more in his wardrobe, to be worn to suit different occasions. In certain times, the basic becomes the most important promotable fashion, but, in or out, they remain as a part of the fashion scene.

3. Fad:
Fad is a more uncertainable  word for a fashion designer. Because it can either makes a designer’s life more interesting or tenser. Sometimes something appears on the fashion scene that captures the imagination, only to fizzle out in short duration.

After all, fad can be denoted as a short lived fashion, staying for a very little duration of period or time, acceptable by only a certain group of people. In maximum time they are very costly and every one cannot afford to buy it.

4. Fashion Forecasting:
Fashion forecasting is the prediction of mood, behavior and buying habits of the consumer that focuses on upcoming trends. It is very important part of fashion scene because when a new garment is designed by a designer and worn, it will not create fashion by itself. It needs to spread fashion with different media. Fashion forecasting is commonly done by many communicating media, such as, fashion shows, cinema, newspapers, press, fashion magazines and window display.

Generally, fashion forecasting includes:

a.      Consumer research

·         Surveys

·         In-store informal interviews

·         Consumer focus groups

b.     Market research

c.      Fashion trends

d.     Shopping

e.      Evaluating the collections

f.       Sales records

g.      Trend for target markets

5. Fashion Trends:
Fashion trend is the most changeable term in fashion. It is the styling ideas that major collections have in common. Fashion trends are influenced by several factors which include economical, political, social and technological. Fashion forecasters can use this information to help determine growth or decline of a particular trend. Sometimes a new trend appears in small doses until it spreads to other collections. As the mass media notices similarities between collections and highlights them, the media exposure also helps establish the trends. But if the market becomes flooded with a new trend, consumers may react negatively to the overexposure.

Fashion Design

Fashion design is the art of creating clothing and accessories. ... As an art practice, fashion design is intertwined with culture. Fashion designers create garments based on consumer demand or their own creative vision, and consumers respond to those designs, ushering in new trends.


Fashion Technology

Fashion Technology as a field emphasizes on the techniques and equipment used to produce fashion products. Thus, Fashion Technology involves the use of various techniques and equipment for the production as well as management of fashion goods that are produced


How to keep in touch with latest fashion:-

  1. Watch Fashion Shows. Fashion shows are where trends start. 
  2. Check out Celebrity Style. 
  3. Read Fashion Magazines. 
  4. Find a Blog You Like. 
  5. Take Inspiration From Around You. 
  6. Follow Professional Stylists. 
  7. Have Basics That Are Always in Style. 
  8. Don't Fear Changing up Your Style.

 How can I choose a fashion style for myself?

How to Find Your Personal Style in 5 Steps

  1. Look to your own closet. Think about the clothes you have that make you happy.
  2. Find fashion inspiration. 
  3. Create a fashion mood board. 
  4. Create a capsule wardrobe. 
  5. Experiment with unique style choices.

Fashion Industry

The fashion industry consists of four levels: the production of raw materials, principally fibres and textiles but also leather and fur; the production of fashion goods by designers, manufacturers, contractors, and others; retail sales; and various forms of advertising and promotion.

Fashion Industry And Its Scope

     Career Opportunities in Fashion Designing

  • Fashion Designer.
  • Retail Buyer.
  • Retail Manager.
  • Fashion Stylist.
  • Jewellery and Footwear Designer.
  • Personal Shopper.
  • Makeup Artist.
  • Fashion Model.
what is the importance of fashion in day to day life:-

1-  fashion is important in our daily lifeFashion is a constant presence in a       person's life.

       2- It is a daily task of choosing what clothing to put on our body.

         3-If you're into fashion, you'll understand why the Indian celebrates Fashion Week like.




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