Sunday, 5 February 2023



  • Sleeve is a Dutch word derived from word slip.
  • It is a part of garments that proper the arms covers or grow passes arms in a slip in that particular fabric.
  • It is a non-essential part but can be consider as designing part.
  • It is the characteristics of fashion in a dress which has many variations in every country and various time periods.
  • It is a fashionable attire and the part of dress for both male or females.
  • In early centuries the length of shoulder is increased to create sleeves but after fifteenth century sleeves created their space an in fashion industry and turned up the whole fashion.
  • There are various length of sleeves that is it can be short, elbow, 3/4th, fall, 7/8th, wrist.
  • It is a designing part which requires special tailors for making it, like:- gathered sleeve, tulip sleeve, Patel sleeve, bell shaped, flared sleeve etc.
  • Sometimes access of fabric is also used to decorate the sleeve.
  • Various fabrics can also be used from thin, glossy, thick etc.

Types of Sleeve

1.Set-In-Sleeve:-It is a very common sleeve which required both bodice block and sleeve block where armholes are attached together.

·         Arm is  most mobile part of body which required free movements.

·         Set -in -Sleeve design to fit the armhole smoothly.

2.Set-Out-Sleeves/Extended Sleeves: - Sleeves and the body of any garment is combine together.

·         It requires more fabric.

·         There are lots of sleeves which a sewn together without set in method.

·         The sleeves does not required separate sleeve pattern for cutting and generally are extended from shoulder.

·         There are mainly various types of extended sleeves.

1.Dolman/Batwing Sleeve:- There is usually no seam connecting the sleeve to the bodice, but is instead cut as one with the bodice.

·         This sleeve style is popular on tops and sweaters mostly, but can be used in other upper body garment types.

2.Drop Shoulder Sleeve:- A drop shoulder sleeve is used for more casual wear clothing types, common in casual shirts but also other garments like loose fit denim jackets and oversized sweaters.

·         Sleeves where the armhole position falls on the top of the arm area.

3.Kimono sleeves:- A Kimono sleeve is a ‘grown on’ sleeve there are no seam from the neckline, and side seam.

·         The pattern of the sleeves is cut together with the bodice.

·         It is used mostly for sportswear, kids wear, dance costume and ladies top.

4. Raglan Sleeve:- It is mostly used for sports-wear, kids wear, T-shirt.

·         It does not have any armhole seam and shoulder seam.

·         A raglan sleeve is joined with a seam running at a diagonal from the underarm up to the front and back necklines.

3.Designer Sleeves

Ø  Cap Sleeves:- Cap sleeves are a short sleeve that just covers the shoulder.

  • It usually ends before or just under the arm
  • Cap sleeves are mainly fitted and are a flattering type of sleeve.
  • Most often, the cap sleeve is a separate shaped piece but the cap can also be joined to the bodice and created as an attached sleeve.

Ø  Bishop Sleeves:- A bishop sleeve flares out from the shoulder, giving volume to the sleeve all the way to the cuff, where the fabric is tightly gathered.

Ø  Puffed Sleeves:- A puffed sleeve is gathered at the shoulder and at the seam but is full and “puffy” in the middle.

Ø  Ruffled sleeves:- A narrow sleeves attached with armhole having gathers. usually found in kids wear, ladies garments.

Ø  Layered Sleeves:-Sleeves with layers of fabric with same and different length. It has layer of ruffles.

Ø  Cowl Sleeves:-It is a one-piece cutting, loose cowls or folds in centre of sleeves found in or can be seen in kids garments, gowns, frocks mainly.

Ø  Draw String Sleeves:- Draw string sleeves which has string, when pulled gives affect of gathered. It is in double length of full sleeves.

Ø  Lantern Sleeves:-A Lantern sleeve is a long sleeve that balloons out between the wrist and the elbow and then gathers again around the wrist.

Ø  Leg-of-mutton-sleeves:-This sleeve is gathered and puffed by the shoulder and upper arm and then fitted on the forearm. This style of sleeve somewhat resembles a sheep’s leg, hence the name.

Ø  Petal Sleeve:-A Petal sleeve is a type of sleeve that is fitted at the shoulder and then flows out into a series of petals. It is a very flittering sleeve style for many different body types.

Ø  Tulip Sleeve:- These are similar like petal shape but pattern repeats. The sleeve is sewn into the armhole in such a way that the pattern overlaps on the arm.

Ø  Bell Sleeves:-Also called peasant sleeves, this long sleeve is fitted around the shoulder and upper arm and flares out to the waist, like a bell.

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Sleeves Sleeve is a Dutch word derived from word slip. It is a part of garments that proper the arms covers or grow passes a...